Jun 24, 2010

sejuk menggigil~

9:30 PM
assalamualaikum semua =)
hellow world!

jangan lupa mengucapkan syukur ke hadrat Ilahi dengan nikmat yang diterima. =)


tadi balik dari lab termengah-mengah jalan kaki terfikir kalau dapat mandi air sejuk ni kan best. teringat kimcohi kalau kat kampung. mandi air paip sumber air telaga kat umah. bukan air paip saluran macam umah korang tu tau. yang bulan2 kena bayar bil air. rumah abah kat kampung xde bil air. masuk lam bil letrik. jana guasa guna motor air untuk sedut air dari telaga. perghhhhh~ saikou! terbaik ah. kat kampung tak ada heater macam kat umah aku kat jepun ni. cuaca ngah sejuk ke panas ke air paip telaga tu lah sumbernya.

setiap kali aku ngah panas ke berpeluh2 ke terus teringat kimochi mandi air paip kt umah. natsukashii to omotte, aku terus offkan heater then mandi air paip kat jepun camtu je. mak aihhhhhhh. sejuk x engatlah! aku pun xtahu la  suhu air sama ke tak ngan kat kampung tu. mungkin aku dah terbiasa guna pemanas air. selesa betul hidup aku. itu pun masih lagi merungut sana-sini. astaghfirullah~

tadi aku search la sana sini pasal suhu yang sesuai untuk mandi. pastu jumpa info ni. betul ke tak tu tak tahu la.maklum la sekarang ni walaupun dunia di hujung jari, tak semua boleh diterima bula-bulat kan? 

Hot bath

Temperature: 100-104 ° F / 38-40 ° C 

A hot bath can be useful for treating fevers and eliminating toxins (use either the Evergreen bath salts recipe or the Detox bath oil recipe for this purpose).

If you find it too difficult to get into a bath this hot, pour the bath to the temperature you are comfortable with then gradually add hot water as you become accustomed to it.
After your hot bath, put on some warm cotton pajamas or night gown and slip into bed ensuring you have plenty of blankets to promote sweating.
Note: Do not have bath water this temperature if you are pregnant, have varicose veins, hemorrhoids, or high blood pressure.

Warm bath

Temperature: 80-90° F / 27-34° C
A warm bath can be very soothing and calming to the mind. This is due to the equality of the body temperature which gives gentle encouragement to the natural functions of the body.

Cold bath

Temperature: 70-80 ° F / 21-27 ° C
A cold bath can activate and tone the skin. This temperature will help with respiration and increase the tone and elasticity of muscles. It decreases fatigue making it an ideal bath for the morning (the Stimulating bath oil 
recipe is the perfect blend for a cold bath).

oh ya, menu for today is seperti di bawah. nyum3 sangat sedap. Alhamdulillah =) 
daging goreng black pepper campur sayur 
haha panjang nya nama.


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