Sep 10, 2010

are you my best friend?

3:28 PM
you might be best friend for one year

pretty good friends the next year

dont talk that often the next year

and dontwalk to talk at all the year after that.
So, i just wanted to say

even ifi never talk to you again in my life,

you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life

i look up to you, respect you and truly cherish you.

Send this to all your friends,

no matter how often you talk,

or how close you are,

and send it to the person who sent it to you.

Letold friends know you havent forgotten them,

and tell new friends you never will

Remember, everyone needs a friend,

someday you might feel like you have NO FRIENDS at all,

justremember this 

and take comfort in knowing

sombody outthre cares about you and always will

alolo comenynye~
rindu pulak zaman berforward2 msg zaman muda-muda remaja dulu. sekarang masih muda. erm maybekaum adam xbuatmacam ni kothehe. tapi sekarang dah  kurang dah email fwd2 y comel2 mcm ni kan? saje je menggamitkenangan silam.

TO ALL MY FRIENDS yang pernah menjejakkan kaki ke 
  1. skkg besut, setiu(1993-1996,1998-1999)
  2. sk kg buluh, setiu(1997)
  3. smka nurul ittifaq, besut(2000-2002)
  4. kisas, klang(2003-2004)
  5. aaj, um(2005-2006)
  6. fukui universiti, fukui(2007-present)
kita mungkin pernah duduk sebangku semeja, satu kelas satu dorm satu asrama, insyaAllah aku tak lupa pun korang. walaupun aku mungkin tak pernah pun nak sms berutus surat berkirim email tanya khabar, tapi aku stalk fb kamu, blog kamu . hahaha kantoi jadik stalker aku tahu kamu dah kahwin, dah ada anak, kamu dah jadik doktor, jadi cikgu, jadi lawyer. 

selamat menyambut hari raya aidil fitri, maaf zahir dan batin buat semua!!!

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