Aug 26, 2010

mencari identiti tersembunyi

11:54 AM
pernah tak korang tengok balik dengan teliti semua gambar-gambar yang korang ambil guna camera? kadang-kadang ada benda yang tak terjangka dek akal fikiran. jom kita tengok apa yang ada dalam gambar ni.

.We know that a picture is worth a thousand words, but is a picture worth a stolen purse?

nampak tak?

alkesahnya, pencuri bag termasuk sekalik lam gambar mangsa. memang bernasibbaik lah. terus dapat tangkap. 
The Myers clan posed for a picture outside of the Wisconsin State Capitol building at the same moment that someone decided to walk off with one of the family's bags. When the Myerses took a closer look at the photo their camera had snapped, they noticed that they had caught the robber in the act — a felonious photobomb, if you will.
source : yahoo news

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